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Wagashi (和菓子, wa-gashi) are traditional Japanese confections that are often served with green tea, especially the types made of mochi, anko (azuki bean paste) and fruits.

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dango and tea cup sweet dessert of Japan
Btopntp26 – www.freepik.com
colorful dessert mochi on white plate
pikisuperstar – www.freepik.com

Enjoy them with tea

It’s often served with a bowl of matcha in the Japanese tea ceremony.

There are two types of wagashi served in a tea ceremony depending on the type of matcha:

Wagashi served with usucha (薄茶, thin matcha) is called higashi (干菓子) , a dry sweet often made of rice, flour or the finest quality of Japanese grained sugar: wasanbon (和三盆).

Wagashi served with koicha (濃茶, thick matcha) is called omogashi (主菓子) often made of bean paste, sesame, rice, sweet potato and sugar.